Flipping the Script: The Unexpected Gift of a Negative Review

Flipping the Script: The Unexpected Gift of a Negative Review

After a long day at work, I was ready to kick back and relax, maybe catch up on my favorite show. But just as I settled in, JB walked in, phone in hand, looking like he’d just seen a ghost. He handed me the phone without a word. On the screen, our first-ever 1-star Google review blazed in all its glory: “SCAMMERS. Run as fast as you can!! No integrity at all!!” 😲

So much for unwinding.

Of all the things someone could say, accusing us of lacking integrity? That one hit hard. I mean, I’ll admit, I can be a little short-tempered now and then. 😅 And JB… well, he’s never met a snack he didn’t like. 🐷 Sure, maybe his love for food can sometimes slow him down a bit, but scammers? Come on! I’d lose my Real Estate License faster than JB can devour a bag of chips.

As for integrity? I was nearly speechless. Nearly. But when someone’s lashing out because they’re upset about something entirely out of our control, I find my voice pretty quickly. This person couldn’t get approved for a mortgage—for two years. And that’s our fault? Seriously?

In a world already brimming with negativity, getting slapped with such harshness despite our best efforts felt like a punch in the gut. But then, it dawned on me. This person, unintentionally, handed us a gift. Their scathing review gave us the chance to shine a light on what truly matters to us: putting the client first. Our clients are the homeowners selling their property, and it’s our responsibility to ensure we bring them qualified buyers. 💜

So, I took that negativity, and I flipped it on its head. ✨ And the best part? Google agreed. They saw the review for what it was—pure hate—and removed it. 🙌 Talk about a win!

#CustomerService #IntegrityMatters #RealEstateLife #TurningNegativesIntoPositives #ClientFirst #StayPositive #RealEstateJourney #AlwaysImproving #KeepSmiling #Review #BursonHomeAdvisors

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